Friday, December 30, 2011

~ Happy New Year ~

The last of the "Christmas" bunnies were picked up on Tuesday. They were the last bunnies we'll have for a few months....

The bucks have been busy around here! : )
Here's a list of who's bred to who:

Oliver-- Isabell

Max -- XC

Max -- Lexus

Oliver -- Darcy

Oliver -- Sophie

Oliver -- Gisele

Max -- Emmie

Zach -- Bonnie


Between the 8 litters, we have Does due from mid--late Jan. And if the litters are successful, the babies will be ready to leave early--mid. March.

This is the first time we've bred Oliver, so hopefully he's old enough and the Does took!! We bred him to all the bigger Does because he's so small. And we bred Max to the smaller Does.

Because Max/Oliver are the only bucks we have old enough to breed, we had to breed them to broken Does. So we'll most likely have lots of Charlies this go around! : )
If you'd like to be added to the waiting list for these litters, let us know!

We'll try breeding NGF's 266 "Sissy", Millie, and Alyson sometime in Feb.

I updated the website today. We don't have any litters at the moment so all the baby pictures are off. We still have "Bow" available on the for sale page. I re-did her pictures this morning.

I also added Dasher to the "Bucks" page. We had originally called him "Jingle" because he had a sister named "Belle". So it was Jingle & Belle (for our Christmas theme). But since we decided to keep him, we thought "Dasher" sounded better. So Dasher it is! Here's a picture of him:

I think that's all.....I hope you all have a Wonderful and Prosperous New Year in 2012!! : )

Monday, December 19, 2011

~ Back Again ~

Since the last post, Isabell had a litter of 4 babies. Though, none of them lived. I think she had a hard time getting them out... : (

And Lexus never had a litter, so I guess she never took!! So we re-bred her yesterday to Max again. If she still doesn't take this time, we'll probably sell her.

Oliver just turned 5 1/2 months old, so we decided to try him with Isabell, since he's such a small buck. It seemed like it worked, so we'll see what happens! : )

We also bred XC with Max. I would have liked to have bred her with another buck, but the only other buck available was Oliver, and that's her son. So we'll probably get broken blacks again.

We tried breeding Emmie again, but she wouldn't cooperate, so we'll try her again in a few days.

Sophie is now old enough to breed, but when we tried her with Oliver, she didn't want to have anything to do with it. So we'll try her again later.

In other news, we recently got another new bunny! Well, not exactly new...Her name is Darcy. She was born at our Rabbitry last Nov. and was sold to a sweet family for Christmas. Well, the family was no longer able to keep her, so they asked if we would take her back. And, we did. After looking back through my records from last year, I figured out that her parents were Bucky and Kim. And because we don't have either of them anymore, I had to go look through my pedigree records so I could make her a pedigree.
She was pretty scared the first day or two, but now that she has settled in, she's super sweet and loves getting attention! Just like our other bunnies! : ) She's a brood quality kind of girl. But no surprise considering who her parents were. Her owners never got her spayed, so we're going to try to breed her to Oliver (since he's so small) in the next few days. Hopefully she'll take and be a good mom. It's harder to get them to bred when they are older, but it's not impossible! Our one Doe "Millie" was a year old when we got her and, now she has litters with 5-7 babies! So we're excited to see what Darcy will do! : )
Here are some pictures of her:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

~ Business ~

Wow!! It has been soooo busy our the Rabbitry lately!!

We had a Show in Columbia, SC on Dec. 3rd. It was a triple show. We brought: Oliver, Drew, Clint, Alyson, Gisele, Emmie, & XC. There were a LOT of entries!! They all got pretty good comments except Gisele. All 3 judges said that she was pretty much just good for a brood Doe. But since that's why we kept her, it's fine. Emmie won BOSV which I'm pretty sure won a leg, because of all the entries! Then Clint went on to win BOSB!! Other then those wins, there were no other legs....Also, we came home with a new little Doe! : ) She is from Narrow Gate Farms in NC. She a super cute tort Jr. Doe. She just turned 5 months old, so as soon as Oliver is old enough to breed, we'll breed them together and see what we get. Here are some pictures of her:

We've had lots of people that were interested in getting a bunny for Christmas lately! The last bunny that we had available was placed on hold today. So we do not have anymore babies that will be able to leave by Christmas! We do however, have two adults available: Zoe (a Lionhead) and Bow (a Holland Lop). Just contact us if you'd be interested in either of them.

Isabell is due anytime right now.....we're hoping for some really nice babies from her!!

Lexus is also due next week. We bred her with Max this time. Since he carries shaded, we should get some sable points or siamese sables in solids and brokens. So we'll see what happens!

I think that's about it for now....until next time! : )

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

~ Changes ~

Well......there have been some "changes" here are the Rabbitry!!

The first one happened right before the show Nov. 12th....When we were brushing out Diddy, we felt something on his belly (we thought it was poo or something that got stuck in his fur) But on further evaluation, we realised that Diddy was not a "He" but rather, a "She"!!!!! : o  So....when we got to the show the next day we had to change the entry to a doe instead of a buck. And as a Doe, she went on to win BOSB and BOB!! : ) It kind of messed up our plans though, because now we didn't have a buck!!

Then, a day or two ago, I was brushing out Mocha, and for whatever reason, I decided to check the sex again....and.....instead of being a doe like I thought, it was a Buck!! : / It was good and bad...bad because we were planning on it being a doe, but at least now we had a buck to go with Bonnie/Gracie/Diddy!

I just hope that this doesn't happen again!!
I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
Happy Thanksgiving!! : )

Thursday, November 17, 2011

~ Show News ~

 I finally got my show reports for the Oct. 1st and Nov. 12th shows.....they had good and bad news.

For the Oct. 1st show:

Show A:

Isabell got Best Opposite Sex of Variety
(a leg)

Show B:

Sophie got Best of Variety & Best of Breed!!
(a leg)

The others got good comments, but no legs.... : (

For the show on Nov. 12th:

Show A:


Lexus got Best Opposite Sex of Variety & Best Opposite Sex of Breed
Alyson got Best Opposite Sex of Variety

Diddy got Best Opposite Sex of Variety and Best Opposite Sex of Breed
Show B:


Lexus got Best Opposite Sex of Variety & Best Opposite Sex of Breed
Alyson got Best Opposite Sex of Variety

Diddy got Best of Variety and Best of Breed!!

There weren't enough people/rabbits at the Taylorsville show to get any legs.....But we still came home with 4 trophies! : )
You can see some pictures from the show below.

All the other bunnies are doing very well and getting cuter by the day! We are heading into a busy season of Thanksgiving/Christmas/New I'll try to keep this blog updated as much as I can.

Until next time....Happy Thanksgiving!! : )

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

~ Getting Ready ~

 Our next show of the year will be in Taylorsville, NC this Saturday! : )

We haven't been to this club's show, so it will be good to see how they do their show. And it's always good to see our "Rabbit" friends! : )

We are taking:


They are all Jr.'s except for Lexus. We weren't really planning to show Lexus, but since her last litter was a "false" pregnancy, we decided not to breed her right away and wait to take her to the show. She hasn't ever been shown, so it will be interesting to see how she does. I'm hoping she isn't DQ'ed for being overweight....since she's had her litters, she's gained hopefully not too much weight! lol

Oliver is developing very nice and is "chunking" out....he still has a way to go, but I think he has a good chance against other Jr. bucks.

Clint....we weren't even planning to keep this buck, let alone show him! lol : ) But we realised that Bentley just developed into too large of a buck then we're looking for....and Clint has developed SOOO nicely that we decided to keep Clint and sell Bentley...I'm sad to sell Bentley, as he is one of my favorites, but if we want to continue to produce better and better babies, it's best if we keep Clint. Also, another reason I'm sad to see Bentley go is that he is a Sable Point (the color that we're working on to have in all our Hollands) and Clint is a tort. So it will take a little longer to get some more Sable Points, but Clint does carry the "Sable Point" gene.
Here are some pictures of Clint:

Drew's color has developed very nicely. It's super clean! He doesn't have the best body type though and his ears are a little long....but you never know, a judge might still like him!!

Alyson is starting to look like a Blue point, instead of a sable point.....I'm not sure if that is a showable color, but I want to take her anyway, so that I can ask the other breeders up there what color they think she is.

Diddy was a super smutty sable point baby! But now, he is a Very clean sable point! : ) I have big hopes for him! He's got a really nice mane, very good color, and short little ears!

Gracie is just like her mom "Bonnie". She looks and acts just like her!! : ) (Which is a good thing!) Her ears are a little long, but her color, wool, and body are really nice! So I think she'll do well too.

We're also taking several to sell at the show too:

Cool Whip

They are all very nice quality, and we are selling them for very reasonable prices, because we need the cage if you're interested, let me know and I might make you a deal! : )

After this show, we have one more for the year--Columbia, SC--on Dec. 3rd. We've always done well at this show, so we're excited!

All the babies are doing very well and most of them are sold, though we still have 2 available! (Mittens and Leland)
That's all for now!

Monday, October 31, 2011

~ Wow! ~

Wow!! Millie has surprised us again--with *7* babies in her litter last night!! : o

Millie is definitely a "BUD" kind of Doe, but all of her babies are always the sweetest things!! : ) She gets the award for having the friendliest babies we've ever had! And for having the most babies. She had 5 babies in her first litter, then 4, then 7, then 4, and now 7 again!
Her babies haven't been our best "quality", but because they have always been so sweet, we've kept her around. After this litter we're going to give her a little brake of having babies for a month or more. She deserves it! : )
So far, it looks like there are 3 black torts, 2 blue torts, and 2 sable points. We'll see for sure in the next few days.

In other news, Emmie's, Gisele's, and XC's litters are looking so cute right now!! : ) We decided to keep one of Emmie's babies. The broken Siamese Sable. We named her "Emma".....we've kind of had a theme going since Emmie's mom. Her name was "MZ" and we called her "Emmzie", so when we kept a daughter from her we called her "Emmie", and now that we're going to be keeping one of Emmie's, we kept the "E" theme and went with Emma! : ) Two of Emmie's babies are going to breeders and I hope that they produce some nice babies for them!! And the other will be going to a pet home....where I know it will be loved dearly! : )

Gisele's little buck "Mittens" is still available!! I'm not sure how he ended up with white paws, but in any case, he's super cute!! He'll make a get pet! So if you or someone you know would be interested, e-mail me!! He's super sweet and loving! : )

In XC's litter, we have 2 bucks and 1 female available! 1 of the bucks and the female are "Charlies" (they have less then 10% color and when bred can only produce broken patterned babies), and the other buck is a regular broken black. I personally think that "Charlies" are super cute! I love that they're mostly white like a REW, but with brown eyes and a little bit of color. : ) Our beloved "Bucky" that died earlier this year in Aug. was a "charlie".

Also, Zoe had a litter of two babies last Friday. I checked them this morning and they are both Sable Points....Yay!!!! : ) I'm so glad they aren't REW's or Pointed whites! Hopefully one of them is a buck, because we need one to replace Liam.

Bonnie is due today....She looks very fat, and has pulled some fur (as of this morning) we'll wait and see!

Isabell is also due later this week.....I'm very excited to see what she produces!! : )

We still have several rabbits available on our For sale Page and Nursery....please go check it out and see if we have your forever furry friend!! : )

The next show we'll be going to is Taylorsville, NC on Nov. 12th. So if there is a bunny that you're interested in that we have, we can deliver it to the show!! This is the first time we've been to this show.

I think that's all that's been going on here at the Rabbitry! : )
Until later.....

Monday, October 10, 2011

~ New Babies ~

We have lots of babies around the Rabbitry right now!  : ) Both little and big. We still have 4 (including the Lionhead) of Pooh Bear's last litter available: Boo, Hank, Tony, & Clint.
Clint is turning into very nice little buck! His ears are nice and short and very thick, body is compact and looks very promising! So if you're interested in breeding, he would be a great start to a breeding program! (Plus he carries dilute)
Tony is also looking very nice! His ears are a little long, but he may still grow into them. His color is super rich/dark; he's such a sweetheart too! All he wants is to be held and petted! : )
Hank is such a fluff ball!! lol He looks alot bigger then he really is. He also love attention!
Boo is always one of the first ones to the cage door to get attention! He's a little too be a brood buck, but he should make a wonderful pet for someone!

We also have one of Millie's left: Stewart. He's turning into a little bigger buck then I thought, but should bulk out a lot as he matures. He's super sweet too! : )

We have Simon (an adult Lionhead Buck), Bow (an adult Holland Lop Doe), & Lindsay (a baby Lionhead Doe) available as well. Please visit our for sale page fore more info!

Gisele and Emmie both had their first litters last week!! Yay!! : ) Gisele had 3 babies & Emmie had 5. They didn't have any problems and are keeping their babies (especially Gisele!) VERY fat. Gisele's look like they are about to explode! lol I will post pictures in a few days. (I'm just waiting for them to get some more fur before I take some)

XC had her litter yesterday afternoon. She had 4 in all. 1 broken black, and 3 broken black--charlies. This is the first time that we've ever had all broken blacks in a litter!

Lexus was due the same time XC was, so unless she has them early tonight, I don't think the litter will make it....Hopefully though, she'll have them with no problems! : )

That's all for now....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

~ BRR & CBA Show Oct. 1st 2011 ~

The show went really well today!! : )

It was especially nice to see our "rabbit friends" and just talk rabbit talk!! lol

There were some VERY nice rabbits at the show and tough competition. I don't know the exact count, but there were probably close to at least 200 rabbits there!

Bentley got second place in broken HL Sr. bucks in show A, and DQ'ed for being 3 oz. over weight in show B.

I don't remember exactly what place Oliver got in the two shows.....the judges said that he was a pretty nice buck, but just needed to mature and bulk out some more. So no legs for him today....But I'll be taking him to the next one though!! : )

Isabell got BOSV in both shows!!! Yay! Now she finally has two legs! I think she got BOS in show A, but I can't remember...I'll have to wait to get the show results! Either way, she still got two legs! Everyone that saw her loved her color! We're going to try to breed her sometime next week.

And the biggest surprise of the day.........Sophie got BOB in show B!!!!!!!!!! : O To be honest, I had thought about not taking her to the show at all, but decided to take her anyway to at least see what the judges thought of her....and I'm glad I did!!!!! : ) She also got two legs...the first show she got as far as BOSV, and she also got BOSV in show B and went on tp win BOB! She was right at the weight limit (4 lbs.) so since she's still a Jr. this will her first and last show....But that's o.k....she'll be a great brood Doe.

Skye got DQ'ed in the first show for not having a I entered into the DQ show.....and she won it!!!! : ) lol

After the DQ show, I combed her fur better and you could see her break better then...she still didn't win a leg in the 2nd show, but at least she didn't get DQ'ed!
So we'll see how she continues to develop...

Here are some more pics. from the show room:

I'll post more as far as wins when I get my show results in, in a few weeks...

That's all for now! : )

Friday, September 30, 2011

~ Show Tomorrow ~

Tomorrow we will be going to our first show since May!! : )

It's up in Fairview, NC, so only about an hour away. Which is always a plus because we don't have to wake up soo early!

We are a part of the club that is putting on the show. The Blue Ridge Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association so it will be good to see our good "rabbit friends" that we haven't seen in awhile. It should be a really good show, with lots of good competition! : )

We are taking:


We are also taking Bonnie to be entered in the "DQ Show". It's something the club came up with this year to help raise some extra money for the club. How it works is you enter a rabbit that has to have at least 1 DQ. So the point was to get people to bring a rabbit that they have that is a great representation of the breed other then the 1 or 2 DQ's. Plus the show will be judged by Kitty Lynch! (who is known to be the DQ Queen for always being so picky!) So this should be a very fun show to watch! : )
The reason we're taking Bonnie is because she had broken off one of her toenails really bad when she was little and it never grew back. I think she is pretty nice, so we'll see how it goes.

I think Oliver, Isabell, & Skye all have a pretty good chance to win something, but not sure about Bentley and Sophie. They are both kind of big, so I'm afraid that they'll be DQ'ed for being over weight. Even though they are both still "Jr.'s" I entered them in as Sr.'s because of their weight. You just never know what a judge is going to have to say! So I'm hoping for the best, but preparing myself for the worst. Even if they do get DQ'ed I'm still going to keep them because of their super sweet personalities and color.

I'll try to post some results when I get back tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

~ Thoughts ~

Like usual we are pretty busy around here at Fisher Farms with all the bunnies, but enjoying all the time we put into them! : )

I have finally sexed all the litters we have right now; named them all; took their pictures; and posted them on the website!

As I take their individual pictures, it's the first time that I get to really start evaluating the their quality. They will still continue to develop until they are several months old, but when they are about 3-4 weeks old you can kind of get a first glance of what they'll look like when they get older. At this time, I also make my decision as to who I will be keeping and who will be for sale. Right now, we are mainly focusing on getting all Sable Points/ Siamese Sables, and once we get the color that we're looking for more established, we'll start focusing more on quality.
We are still trying to keep the better quality bunnies out of the litters, but are mainly looking for color.

At most rabbit shows, there seems to be a bias that only the black torts can win! So we're going to try to change that. : )

Our litters seem to be getting better quality each time! Considering that we originally started with non-pedigreed "Mutt" bunnies that we weren't even sure what breed they may be close to; we have come a long way!
I'm getting very excited about how well our most recent litters have come along. When I was taking pictures of Millie's litter, I was posing Stewart (the black tort in the litter) and usually I have to hold my hand under the baby’s head to keep it up, but as soon as I posed him, he stayed perfect! Here's the picture:

I was kind of in "awe" of him, and so proud that we were able to produce such a nice little bunny. But then I was disappointed that he wasn't a sable point! We really don't need another tort, so he'll be for sale. So if you are interested in him let me know!! He carries dilute! : ) I would really like for him to go to a breeder that will show him and be able to use him. I wouldn't mind him being a pet, but would rather someone be able to use his nice quality for their breeding program. : )

Out of the litters we have right now, here are the bunnies that we will be keeping:
"Fisher Farm's Gracie"
She is such a little sweetie and I love her color. She looks like she might be a little bit of a bigger doe, but her color is so nice and she's got such a great personality that I couldn't let her go! : )
She is from Fisher Farm's Bonnie and Roy's Liam.

"Fisher Farm's Drew"
Also, a super sweet little bunny! He loves attention! He also has great color and a pretty nice head and body. He kept falling asleep while I was taking pictures, so I had to hold his head up! lol ; )
He is from Angel Babies' Millie and Smith's Chunky.

"Fisher Farm's Alyson"
She is a super outgoing little girl that loves attention! Her color isn't the best, but she looks to be a pretty upright little Doe. Hopefully her color will clear up as she matures! We are going to try to sell some of our older Does by the end of the year, so we decided to keep her to replace some of the Does that will be leaving.
She is also from Angel Babies Millie and Smith's Chunky.

NGF's 193 (a.k.a. Bow) and Autumn are both due any day now.....We will most likely let Bow retire after this litter and if Autumn is unsuccessful again this litter, she'll be up for sale. So we'll see what happens! : )

Well, now that I have written this very long post, I think I have updated you on everything!
Until next time, enjoy all this wonderful weather! : )

Saturday, September 3, 2011

~ Busy ~

 We've been very busy here at Fisher Farms!!

All of XC's litter left earlier this week (all except for Oliver of course!). Wyndall and Wyndie both went to pet homes and Olivia went to a family that is just getting into Rabbit Showing.

3 of Lexus's (Missus, Madison, and Marley) all left today. Each of them went to a breeder. Madilynn will be leaving a little later this month.

Good luck with your bunnies everyone! :)

NGF's 193 (aka Bow) and Autumn are due around the 13th. Hopefully we'll get some nice babies from them!

Poor little Emmie keeps pulling fur and trying to make a nest....but we haven't even bred her before...!!! lol We were planing to breed her later this month, but since she has decided that she wants to make a nest...we went ahead and bred her with Max today. I thought that she would be really receptive to the buck because she was so excited to make a nest, but she was pretty grumpy with the buck, but they did end up breeding. We also bred Gisele. We bred her to Laredo. We should get some really nice clean colored sable points with them!! I'm excited to see what they'll produce!

Pooh Bear's babies are sooo cute right now!! : ) It looks like one of them (Hank) is going to be a fuzzy lop. I didn't think about it when I bred Chunky to Pooh Bear, but they both carry the "fuzzy" gene....oh well! He's going to be really cute anyway!

Still don't know the sexes of Millie's, Zoe's, or Bonnie's yet...Hopefully I'll know for sure by next weekend, but we'll see.

Here are some pictures from our last "photo shoot":

That's all for now! : )

Sunday, August 21, 2011

~ News ~

Wow! It seems like I haven't posted a blog in a long time, but it's only been about a week and a half!

Well, a lot has changed since the last post.

Pooh Bear's babies (including the foster baby) have all opened their eyes and are starting to jump around. They are so cute! : ) Autumn's little baby is going to grow up thinking it's a Holland Lop. lol There are 3 blue torts and 1 black tort in Pooh Bear's litter and Autumn's baby looks to be a REW or Pointed White.

Lexus's babies are SOO friendly and love to lick your hands and face! They come running to the cage door to get attention when they see you coming! : )

XC's litter is also doing very well.

I am so proud of Bonnie!! She is doing such a good job for a first time mom! Her one baby is a sable point, but I'm not sure yet what the other is....It's either a smutty sable point or a Siamese sable??? Can't tell yet....

Millie is doing very well with her babies. They are nice and fat! : ) There is 1 black tort and 3 sable points!! I'm not sure where all the sable points came from?! Millie has a little shaded in her pedigree, but Chunky only has torts?? At any rate, I'm just glad we had several Sable Points in one litter. : )

Zoe is also doing well with her babies. Looks like 1 sable point and 2 REW's or pointed whites.

Dixie's litter didn't make since she hasn't been able to have babies twice in a row, I'm going to put her up for sale as a pet. She is very sweet and likes attention. She can be kind of shy, but is still very sweet. I'll try to take some new pictures of her soon.

The weather has cooled down (only in the 80's) which has been nice! It has been SO hot this spring/summer!! It'll be nice when fall comes and we can put some of the bunnies in the outdoor hutches.

I think that is all that has been going on lately! : )

Thursday, August 11, 2011

~ Babies ~

The Does have been busy around our Rabbitry lately! : )

Pooh Bear's litter is doing very well! They are SUPER fat right now! There are 3 Blue Torts and 1 Black tort for sure. They should be very cute little babies as they mature. : )

Pooh Bear's little foster baby (Autumn's baby) is also very fat and is looking much better then when we first put it with Pooh Bear's litter. It looks like it will be sable point, but not sure yet.

Bonnie had a litter!! : ) Yay! It was her first litter, and she is doing pretty well so far. She has two babies. One looks very good, but the other is kind of small....It looks better then a peanut, but it's smaller then it's litter we'll have to keep a watch on it. Both of her babies also look lightly colored. I'm excited to see how they develop!

XC's and Lexus's babies are SO cute right now!! : ) And they are all developing very nicely. Each of them come running to the cage door to get petted and held.

I think that's it for now... : )

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~ Surprise ~

Well, it ends up that Autumn did have a baby!! When I was feeling in her nestbox this morning I just felt the one dead baby and didn't realise there was another one in there! I had left the box in the cage just in case she wasn't done yet...and when we were cleaning out the nestbox later today we realised that there was a live baby in there!! : o
The baby was kind of cold and pretty skinny so we gave it to Pooh Bear (she has fostered babies before). I checked on it again tonight and it was already VERY fat! : ) It looks pretty lightly colored so probably a Sable Point or REW....we'll see!

~ Autumn ~

Autumn had 1 really big kit that was born dead this morning, so we'll try re-breed her this weekend.

Bonnie pulled some fur, so hopefully she'll do well! : ) This is her first litter, so fingers crossed!

I looked at Pooh Bear's babies this morning and it looks like now that there are 2 blue torts and 2 black torts....we'll see! : )

That's all for now.....

Monday, August 8, 2011

~ Updates ~

I took some new pictures of the babies yesterday. They are all so cute right now!! : )

Lexus's litter kept falling asleep while I was taking pictures, (lol) so their pictures aren't the best. They are MUCH cuter in person!! Hopefully they will do better the next photo shoot.

XC's little bunch were very good about posing! Especially Oliver! He is such a little ham. ; ) lol Here are some of him:

Also, while I was taking pictures, I thought it would be cute if I did one of Skye. She is SOO fluffy right now! Her fur is always in her eyes, so I thought it would be cute if I tied her fur up in a bow. I don't think that she was very impressed! lol ; ) She started to chew on the ribbon, therefore the bow came off after a few min.!

It has been very hot here in the upstate of SC lately! It has been so much less stressful this year having the bunnies in the "rabbit House" and not having to worry about them being too hot! As I'm writing this, we're getting a nice summer shower that will hopefully rejuvenate some of our plants!

Pooh Bear had 5 kits this afternoon. One of which is a peanut. It looks like they are all going to be Blue Torts, but we'll see for sure in a few days when their fur comes in.

That's it for now....I'll post when/if Autumn has her litter....

Friday, August 5, 2011

~ Bucky ~

Last night as we were checking on the rabbits for the night, we noticed that Bucky had died!! :'(

He had stopped eating normally (about 2 weeks ago), which was weired because he loved to eat! We tried to give him some veggies and let him be in the grass, but he continued to decline and stopped eating all together on Tues. So we knew that his end was very near! Even though we knew it was coming it was still very sad!! : (

Bucky was our very first "pedigreed" rabbit. He was also our first Holland Lop. He was just like a little puppy and always ran to his cage door as soon as he saw you coming! If we let him out in the grass, he would come right back to us just like a puppy! Everyone in the family had a sweet spot for Bucky!

We tried to keep track of all the babies he has fathered, and I think he got up to 60 babies!! And those are only the ones that survived! Not counting all the babies that were either born dead or died! He loved his girls, and was ALWAYS ready to breed when we needed him! lol ; )

He is now buried with all of our other beloved pets that have passed away in our little "pet grave yard".

He will always be remembered here at Fisher Farms Rabbitry!

Rest in Peace Bucky Boy!! <3

Thursday, August 4, 2011

~ Daisy ~

We recently acquired a Flemish Giant!!

There was a couple we had sold a Lionhead to a few years ago, who also had a Flemish Giant. 
Well the couple's apartment building changed their policies about pets, and therefore could no longer be able to keep their rabbits. They were able to find a home for the Lionhead, but not for the Flemish Giant....So they sent us an e-mail asking if we would be able to take the Flemish (her name was Daisy) and find a home for her...We decided that we would!

Daisy is VERY sweet and loves getting petted and to run around!! Like her breed's name implies, she is a big rabbit! She weighs about 12 pounds.

Here are some pictures that I took of her in the grass:

We are not exactly sure how old she is, but her previous owners thought that she was about 2 years old. Her color is fawn. She LOVES eating veggies and hay!! You can see her info on our "For Sale" page.

If you or if you know someone that would be interested in Daisy, please contact us!! : )

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

~ Favorites ~

Just wanted to blog a little about some of my favorite bunnies that we have right now! : )

First, there is Isabell!! She is developing into such a nice Doe! Here are some pictures that I took this afternoon:
She is such a sweet little girl. She loves to be petted and held, and she is very good about posing for pictures as you can see! : )

I love her thick short ears and big head!!
Her color also seems very nice.

I can't wait to bring to the show in Oct.!! : ) She didn't do very well at the show that we took her to earlier this year, but the judges said she just needed to develop more. Well for 5 months old, I think she is doing pretty well!

As far as the babies we have right now, XC's litter seems to be my fav. right now! I try not to get attached to our litters because most of them are sold. But for some reason I have really gotten attached to this litter! Especially the broken tort. It is a little buck that we named "Oliver" and he is so cute!
And he likes to pose for the camera as you can see! lol : )

His sister Olivia is also looking very promising!

I took new pictures of XC's litter and listed their sexes on the nursery page. I am in the process of contacting the waiting list....
Also took a picture of Lexus's litter.

That's it for now! : )

Monday, July 25, 2011

~ Babies ~

Lexus's babies opened their eyes yesterday, and three of her litter are REW's! This is the first time we've ever had REW Hollands. The forth baby is a broken sable point. I should be able to tell their sexes by the beginning of Aug. sometime. I'll be taking some pictures of the litter in the next few days...

XC's babies are SOO cute right now!! : ) They are starting to jump out of the nestbox and their ears are just barely starting to lop over! I am pretty sure which ones are females and which ones are I'll be contacting the people on the waiting list very soon. When I take pictures of Lexus's litter, I will take individual ones of XC's as well.

Keep cool in all this hot weather!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

~ Pictures ~

I finally had time yesterday to take some updated pictures for the website!! : )

First, I took some pictures of XC's litter. They are so cute and chubby right now! lol They're listed on the "Nursery" page. I'm going to wait a few more days until I take some pictures of Lexus's babies...I still can't quite tell what their colors are yet....

We bred Zoe with Zach on the 15th....and we bred Millie with Chunky yesterday. We are also planing to breed Dixie again later this week...

I also added two rabbits to our "For Sale" page. A Lionhead Jr. buck (Simon) and a Sr. Holland Lop Doe (MZ) We are selling Simon just because he is developing into a big buck, and we are trying to breed for smaller stock....he will be a pet only. He is very sweet and likes attention!
We are selling MZ "Emmzie" because she has had trouble the last few litters and we think she needs to retire to a forever pet home!! : ) She is SUPER sweet and loves attention and to be petted/held!
Here's a picture that I have of her in the grass:

Please inquire if interested in either of these rabbits! (Emmzie sold this afternoon!!)

I also added Sophie to the "Does" page. I "re-organized" the "Does" page by putting all torts together and the shadedes together. Instead of having them all mixed up. Here is a pic. of Sophie being cute! : ) (Which is not very hard for her!)

Isabell, Gisele, and Emmie are almost Sr.'s now, so I will be updating their pictures in the next month or so...Isabell is developing SOOO nicely!! I wish there was a show we could take her to sometime soon but the next show that we're going to is the 1st of Oct....I'm just hoping she will stay in good condition until then! : )

I think that's it for now! : )

Friday, July 15, 2011

~ Update ~

We have good and bad news....

First the good news! : ) Lexus had 4 healthy babies last night!! I can't tell their colors yet, but it looks like they will be lighter colored. I'll post pictures of them once I know what colors they are.

The sad news...Dixie had her litter today but all 4 of the babies were dead!! : ( This was her first litter, so we'll breed her again soon and try again.

I was going to try to take some pictures of XC's litter today, but it's all wet and rainy outside....So as soon as the weather clears up I'll take one of the litter.

I guess that's it for now.... : )

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

~ Getting Ready ~

I was down checking on the rabbits last night and I gave Dixie some more hay to make a nest. She was very excited!! : ) I was trying to get a picture of her with her mouth full of hay but she wouldn't sit this was all I could get:

While I had the camera down at the Rabbit house, I took a quick picture of XC's babies in the nestbox. They were so cute! : )

The one bunny was hiding under the other three bunnies....I am always amazed at how the bunnies are able to breath when they are all piled up like that! lol  : )

Still no babies from Lexus or Dixie....hopefully they will have their litters soon!

~ Fisher Farms Rabbitry ~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

~ First Post ~

Hey Everyone!!

We have decided to start a blog to help keep everyone updated on the happenings of our Rabbitry! : )

As I am typing up this blog, it is 93 degrees outside in the shade! It feel much hotter when you're in the sun! Luckily, we re-did our "Rabbit House" earlier in May, and installed a/c and water. We will also have a heater for in the winter. The Rabbit House is kept at about 75-80 degrees. The rabbits seem very happy to be in the air this year! : ) The last few years, we had lots of fans blowing on all the cages (which were in the shade) and we also gave each of them big ice blocks to help keep them cool. Now that we have the a/c we don't have to worry about them nearly as much, which is so nice!

Also, now that we have the a/c we can breed all year round! It was just too hot to breed in the summer without the a/c both for the moms and the babies.

Speaking of babies, Lexus and Dixie are due this week. Lexus was bred to Laredo, so she should have some sable point babies. She had 2 very nice babies in her last litter, so hopefully she will have a very nice litter this time as well! : ) This is Dixie's first litter. She was bred to Louis right before he was sold. We are hoping that she will have some shaded babies for us! We'll see what happens. I'll post again when they have their litters.

XC's babies are all doing very well. They are VERY fat right now! There are 3 solid black torts and 1 broken black tort. I will take some pictures of them later this week...

I guess that's it for now, we have lots of bunny pick-ups this week...we're always glad to see our bunnies go to loving homes! : )

Until next time....

~ Fisher Farms Rabbitry ~